Thursday, August 15, 2013

 Do you eat tomato
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so must know how to cultivate this crop (as well as you can know details about tomato cultivation in SRI LANKA)

Tomato : Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.


Tomato is one of the most widely cultivated vegetable crop in the world. It is an important Source of vitamin. an important cash crop for medium scale commercial farmers. It?s Origin is the South American Andes.

Tomato Contribute to a healthy well balanced diet. They are rich in minerals vitamins amino acid, Sugars and dietary fibres. Tomato containg much Vitamin B and C, iron and phosphorus although a ripe tomato contains as much as 93 to 94 percent water.

Nutritive value of tomato per 100 gm of edible portion
Nutrient Amount
Water 94.1 gm
Protein 1.0 gm
Fat  0.3 gm
Carbohydrates  4.0 gm
Fibre 0.6 gm
Vitamin A  1100 IU
Vitamin B 0.2 gm
Vitamin C  23 gm
Nicotinic acid  0.6 gm
Pantothenic acid 0.31 gm
Vitamin E  0.27 gm
Biotin 0.004 gm
Malic acid 150.0 gm
Citric acid 390.0 gm
Oxalic acid  7.5 gm
Sodium (Na) 3.0 gm
Potassium (K) 268.0 gm
Calcium (Ca)  11.0 gm
Magnesium (Mg) 11.0 gm
Iron (Fe) 0.6 gm
Copper (Cu)  0.1 gm
Manganese (Mn) 0.19 gm
Phosphorus (P) 27.0 gm
Sulphur (S) 11.0 gm
Chlorine (Cl) 51.0 gm

Recommended Varieties
  • Determinate type (Bush Type)
  • Recommended areas are Low, Mid and Up Country
  • Resistant to Bacterial wilt
  • Wilt resistant
  • Fruits are
- Orange red in Colour
- Bearing period 2-3.5 months
- Small to medium size
- Acidic
- Average weight 50 g
Tomato_T146 T 146
  • Determinate type
  • Recommended Mid, Dry and Up Country intermediate zone
  • Moderately resistant to? Bacterial wilt
  • Fruits are
- Orange red in Colour with green 
- Bearing period 2.5-3.5 months
- Medium size
- Average weight 90 g
Tomato_T245 T 245
  • Determinate type
  • Recommended Up Country intermediated zone
  • Fruits are
- Orange red in Colour
- Round shaped
- Bearing period 2.5-3.5 months
- Medium size
- Average weight 100 g
- Thick pericarp
Tomato_tilina Thilina
  • Semi determinate type
  • Fruits are
- Orange red in Colour
- First harvest about 2.5 months  
after trans planting
- Medium size
- Thick pericarp
- Hard Fruits
- Average weight 85-95 g
Tomato_Ravi Ravi
  • Determinate type
  • Fruits are
- Dark red in Colour
- Susceptible wilt
- Medium size
- Weight 43 g
Tomato_Tharidu Tharidu
  • Determinate type
  • Fruits are
- Dark red in Colour
- Susceptible to wilt
- Medium size
- Weight 43 g
Tomato_Rasmi.jpg Rashmi
  • Determinate type
  • Moderately Susceptible to? Bacterial wilt
  • Fruits are
- Orange red in Colour
- Medium size
- Weight 185 g
Tomato_Rajitha2.jpg Rajitha
  • Determinate type
  • Moderately Susceptible to? Bacterial wilt
  • Fruits are
- Orange red in Colour
- Medium size
- Weight 80 g
Tomato_LankaSaver.jpg Lanka Saver (Goraka Takkali)
  • Selected Variety
  • Resistant to Bacterial wilt
  • Fruits are
- Orange red in Colour
- Average Weight 122 g
Tomato_Maheshi.jpg Mahesha
  • Hybrid Varity
  • Potential high yield
  • Resistant to Bacterial wilt
  • Fruits are
- Red Colour
- Average Weight 125 g
Tomato_KC-1.jpg K.C. 01
  • Determinate type
  • Suitable for both yala and maha seasons in dry area
  • Heat tolerant
  • High yielding
  • Fruits are
- Medium to Large size
- Flattened Fruits

  • Determinate type
  • Recommended Low Country
  • Fruits are
- Orange red in Colour
- Bearing period 2-3 1/2 
- Medium size
- Oval shaped
- Average weight 60

  • Semi determinate type
  • Recommended Up Country
  • Average weight 100 g

Nursery Management
  • Suitable period is mid of March or end of August
  • 1 m x 3 m size raised bed (about 18-20 cm raised) is recommended
  • Remove clods of earth and stubble
  • Add well decomposed farmyard manure and fine sand and prepare the bed
  • Apply fungicide (Thiram or captan) put paddy husk and straw layers on the Surface of the bed and fire from the opposite of the wind direction and burn the seed bed
  • Draw lines 12-15cm apart over the length of the seed bed. Sow the seed thinly spaced on the lines and press gently cover the seeds with fine sand.
  • Water the bed and mulch it by using paddy straw

Field Establishment
Climatic requirement
Optimum climatic conditions are
  • 21 0c - 27 0c temperature
  • PH should be in between 5.8-6.8
  • Elevation 1000-2000 m

Tomato grows well on most mineral soil that have proper water holding capacity and aeration and are free of soil. It prefers deep well drained sandy loam soils. The upper layer needs to be permeable. Soil depth of 15 to 20 cm is needed to grow a healthy crop.

Transplant the seedling to the field 3-4 weeks after sowing. A week before transplanting seedlings should be hardened by reducing the application of water but 12-14 hours before they are taken out of the seedbed they should be thoroughly watered again to avoid excessive damage to the roots. Seedlings of 15-25 cm tall with 3-5 true leaves are most suitable for transplanting. Transplanting should be done in the afternoon or on a cloudy day reduce the transplanting shock.

Tomato is moderately tolerant to a wide range of pH, but grows well in soils with a pH of 5.5-6.8 addition of organic matter is in general favorable for good growth.

Tomato is not resistant to drought. It is important to water the plant regularly especially during flowering and fruit formation the amount of water that is needed depend on the type of soil and on the weather.

Weed Control
Hand weed at 3 and 6 weeks after planting

Spacing -  80 cm x 50 cm
Seed rate - 300g-400g /Hac-1

Fertilizer Recommendation
All areas except Badulla district
Type Time of Application Source Quantity
Liming * 2 WBP Lime/Dolomite 1-2 t/ha
Organic manure 3 - 5 DBP PM**, CM or Compost 10 t/ha
Chemical Fertilizer
Source and Qty kg/ha Nutrient Qty kg/ha


BP 65 325 65 30 150 40

3WAP 65 - - 30 - -

6 WAP 65 - 65 30 40
195 325 130 90 150 80
*Apply only If pH <5
** If PM is applied, reduce TSP and MOP by 25%
BP=Before planting; DBP=Days before planting; WBP=Weeks before planting; WAP=Weeks after planting; PM=Poultry
manure; CM=Cattle manure

Badulla district
Type Time of Application Source Quantity
Liming *  2 WBP Lime/Dolomite 1-2 t/ha
Organic manure 3 - 5 DBP PM**, CM or Compost 10 t/ha
Chemical Fertilizer
Source and Qty kg/ha Nutrient Qty kg/ha

Urea TSP MOP N P2O5   K2O

BP 65 215 50 30 100 30

3WAP 65 -    - 30 - -

6 WAP 65 - 50 30 - 30
195 215 100 90 100 60
*Apply only If pH <5
** If PM is applied, reduce TSP and MOP by 25%
BP=Before planting; DBP=Days before planting; WBP=Weeks before planting; WAP=Weeks after planting; PM=Poultry
manure; CM=Cattle manure

Pest control
Cut worm (Agrotis spp)
Damage Symptoms
  • The young plants are cut from the base.

Control methods
Non chemical Control
  • Ploughing the soil to expose to sunlight
  • Flood the land with water
Chemical control
  • Treat 3% carbofuran planting holes at the time of transplanting
  • Just after planting treat one of following insecticide around the base of the plants to saturate the soil. Mix them with 10 liter of water
- Trichlorofon   500g/l         37 mlo
- Profenophos  500g/l         23 ml
- Prothiofos 500g/l             30 ml
- Chlofluwersuron 500g/l      10 ml

Tomato pod borer (Heliothis armigera)
Damage symptoms
  • Damaged leaves
  • Bores in fruits
  • If the damage is not severe collect and destroy the Caterpillars
  • If the damage is severe apply insecticide
  • The first spraying may be done at the time of flowering and formation of fruits
  • Chlofluwersuron 50g/l (Atobrone)

Disease Control
  • Damping off
  • Cassal Organisum
- Pythium spp
Cause rot of soft tissue. Affected seedlings collapse at the base of   
stem and death of seedling. Poor germination may occur due to   
pre-emergence damping left
- Rhizoctonia solani
Cause brownish black discolouration at the base of the stem and death
at seedings
- Fusarium Solani
Mainly causes root rot
- Macrophomina phaseolina
Causes blackening of the stem base and on root resulting in dry root  
and seedling welt
1. Prepare nursery beds in well drained virgin soil or subsoil
2. Nursery sterilization
  • Apply 10cm leveled thickness at paddy husk and paddy straw on the nursery bed. Then burn it form opposite wind direction.
  • Covered the nursery beds with transparent polythene sheet for a minimum of seven continues sunny day
  • Treat seeds and drench soil with recommended fungicide like captan and thiram

Bacterial wilt
  • Sudden and permanent wilting similar to water stress
  • Discoloration of vascular tissue
  • Crop rotation with non solanaceos crops
  • Use wilt resistant verities
  • Soil sterilization with fungicides such as methyl bromide can be effective but is very costly

  • The disease affects foliage stems and fruits water soaked spots on leaves enlarge in to brownish or purplish lesions
  • Under mois conditions a white mildew develops spores on the underside of leaves
  • Ensure field sanitation by eliminating diseased materials
  • Grow resistant verities
  • Use recommended fungicide like
Chlorothalonil (Dacornil) 30 ml/10 l-1
Propineb (Antrocol) 20 ml/10 l-1
Mancozeb 20 ml/10 l-1
Maneb 20 ml/10 l-1

  • Sunken brown spots on fruits and leaves
  • Discolouration of buds and die-back of plants
  • Remove and destroy infected plants
  • Use recommended fungicides like
Chlorothalonil (Dacornil) 20 g/10 l-1
Mancozeb      20 g/10 l-1
Maneb          20 g/10 l-1

Downy midew
  • White patches on the lower surface of leaves while the upper surface of leaves become yellowish then brown and leaves die, seedling death may result.
  • Use recommended fungicide like
Chlorothalonil (Dacornil)
Propineb (Antrocol)

Blossom end rot
  • Dark green water soaked spots appear at the blossom end of the fruit and enlarge until the fruits begin to ripen. Affected tissues are hard and leathery initially but due to secondary infection, fruit rot can develop
  • Water regularly to avoid drought stress

Leaf curl virus
  • Leaves Curl upward
  • Reduction of fruit size
  • Remove diseased plant
  • Spray with insecticides for vector control

Harvesting & Post-harvest Technology
When the colour changes from green to yellow should be harvested.

Post Harvest treatments
  • Wipe fruits to remove diret
  • Harvested fruits collect in to a container
  • Do not drop on the soil
  • Do not expose sun
  • Do not help on the floor

Storage techniques

  • Cold storage conditions are 13-210c and 90.95% PH
  • Enclose in seated low density polyethylene bags before storing at low temperature

Use rigid 30 cm ventilated plastic crates. It is better to use polyethylene liner to improve quality.

  • If produce is packed in plastic crates stock them in lorries for transport
  • Use ventilated lorries
  • Do not open lorries
  • Protect from sun light and rain careful loading and unloading

Economics & Marketing
Tomato - Target Production as in the District-level Extension Plan (mt)
Province Districts 2000 2001 2002
Western Colombo 24 25 26

Gampaha - - -

Kalutara 84 120 144
Southern Galle 4 30 30

Matara   174 264 288

Hambantota 1150 1165 1190
Uva Badulla 26025 25500 25500

Moneragala 4125 3300 3750
Sabaragamuwa Ratnapura 2319 2420 2490

Kegalle  127 135 150
NWP Kurunegala 1125 1290 1350

Puttalam 174 420 732
Central Kandy 10620 10950 11200

Matale 2280 4100 4700

Nuwara Eliya 15125 17375 18125
NCP Anuradhapura 390 415 435

Polonnaruwa 75 190 200
Northern Jaffna - - -

Killinochchi - - -

Mannar  - - -

Vavuniya - - -

Mulativu  - - -
Eastern Trincomalee 8965 9300 9450

Batticaloa  - - -

Ampara - - -
Mahaweli Udawalawe 2280 4100 4700

System H - - -

System B  - - -

System C - - -

System G - - -

System L - - -
Total 75066 81099 - 84460

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