Saturday, August 31, 2013

Paddy transplanting

Paddy transplanting 
Immediately after incorporation of green manure/one day after incorporation rice transplanting may be done. The incorporation of green manure crop could easily be done with the tractor drawn puddler. Depending on duration of the variety, 25-30 day old seedling of rice should be transplanted. Before transplanting, roots of seedlings may be dipped in suspension of Pseudomonas fluorescens (@5 g/l).
Generally transplanting at the four to five leaf stage or when they are about 15-20 cms high, should be done. As far as possible, delayed transplanting should be avoided because it leads to poor tillerings, early flowering of the main tillers and resulting in reduction in yield. In alkaline soils aged seedlings of 45 days old should be transplanted because old seedlings establish better than young seedlings of 25 days age or so.  Transplanting is done either by manual or by mechanical transplanter
Mechanical transplanting is most important for labour problems. At here we can
                                      *minimize seed paddy requirement.
                                      *can increase yield.
                                      *minimize pest attack such as trips/aphids

                                     *can use for hybrid variety 

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