Saturday, August 31, 2013

Beautiful SriLanka

Paddy transplanting

Paddy transplanting 
Immediately after incorporation of green manure/one day after incorporation rice transplanting may be done. The incorporation of green manure crop could easily be done with the tractor drawn puddler. Depending on duration of the variety, 25-30 day old seedling of rice should be transplanted. Before transplanting, roots of seedlings may be dipped in suspension of Pseudomonas fluorescens (@5 g/l).
Generally transplanting at the four to five leaf stage or when they are about 15-20 cms high, should be done. As far as possible, delayed transplanting should be avoided because it leads to poor tillerings, early flowering of the main tillers and resulting in reduction in yield. In alkaline soils aged seedlings of 45 days old should be transplanted because old seedlings establish better than young seedlings of 25 days age or so.  Transplanting is done either by manual or by mechanical transplanter
Mechanical transplanting is most important for labour problems. At here we can
                                      *minimize seed paddy requirement.
                                      *can increase yield.
                                      *minimize pest attack such as trips/aphids

                                     *can use for hybrid variety 


Wednesday, August 28, 2013



Sunflower was considered as an ornamental flower until 19th century after that it was cultivated as an oil seed plant in Russia.
The sunflower is a member of the compositae family. The commercial varieties cultivated for seed purposes are grouped under Helianthus annuus variety macrocarpus. The cultivated sunflower contains 34 somatic chromosomes (2n=34).

Sunflower is mainly used for the extraction of soil. Defatted meal is the main by product of sunflower oil extraction and it is rich in protein and certain minerals. Defatted meal is mostly fed to animals and birds. The large seeded non-oil seed varieties normally provide feed for birds and also used as whole roasted seeds similar to peanuts. After dehulling, the kernels are sold as confectionery nuts.

Nutritive value
Sunflower oil has high level of linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is required for the cell membrane structure, cholesterol transportation in the blood and for prolonged blood clotting. Sunflower oil helps to reduce the serum cholesterol levels. The presence of trypsin inhibitor has been observed in sunflower seeds. However, the activity of the inhibitor is extremely low. The inhibitor is heat-labile and inactivated easily.

The chemical composition of sunflower seed is comparable to that of groundnut. However, the composition varies widely due to genetic and environmental factors. A proximate composition of sunflower seed is presented in Table 1.
Proximate composition (% of sunflower seeds)
Constituent %
Protein 20.8
Lipid 54.8
Carbohydrates 18.4
Ash 3.9
(Source: Gopalan et al. (1982). Nutritive value of Indian foods)

Most of lipids in the seed are present in kernels (87%) followed by embryo (74%) and least in the hull. The dehulled seeds (kernels) contain more oil than the whole seed. Sunflower oil is primarily comprised of palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acid. It contains more unsaturated fatty acids than other oil seeds such as soybean, peanut and cotton seed.
Recommended Varieties
No recommended variety is available. Spain, Sunfola and CO-2 are identified as promising lines.
Field Establishment

Climatic requirements
Sunflower can be grown successfully in the dry zone as a rainfed crop in 'maha' season or as an irrigated crop in 'yala'.


Sunflower grows well on a wide range of well-drained soils from sandy loam to heavy clays.

Land preparation
Till land to a depth of 15-20 cm thoroughly.

Seed rate
13-16 kg/ha

Time of planting
Plant in late 'maha' (early January)
Irrigated planting can be sown in April to July

Planting and spacing
Between rows - 60cm
Within the row - 25 cm
Thin to one plant per hill when seedlings are about 2 weeks old.
Crop Management 

 sunflower picture

 Fertilizer use
Fertilizers are necessary for good yields. Nitrogen, the most important nutrient, is stored in the main stem and withdrawn when needed. Phosphate and potassium have an appreciable effect on yield only if sufficient nitrogen is available.
Basal- apply the following formulations and rates.

Urea - 50 kg/ha
TSP - 120 kg/ha
Muriate of Potash - 60 kg/ha
Top dressing - apply 50 kg/ha of urea at 4 and 8 weeks after germination.

Sunflower is more tolerant to drought than most crops but seed yields are higher under irrigated condition during flower development (about 7-8 weeks after emergence), rapid plant growth utilizes more moisture. To avoid moisture stress during this stage, the crop should be irrigated weekly if rain does not occur that often.

Weed control
One weeding at 2 weeks after planting is usually sufficient. Crop should be kept weed free for the first month after emergence.
Pest and diseases 


Leaf-eating caterpillar (Spodoptera spp) is the only major pest damaging the crop during the vegetative phase of the crop. There are also few minor pests spp occur in the crop.

A fungal disease (Phoma) is observed when relative humidity is high. The disease damage the crop severely.

Sunflower is cross-pollinated, normally by large insects such as honey-bees and wasps. Therefore, it is essential to introduce bee-hives to sunflower cultivation.
Harvesting & Post-harvest Technology

Rainfed 1-1.2 t/ha
Irrigated 1.8-2.5 t/ha

Most heads turn yellow at maturity
Harvest after petals drop but before seeds shatter.
After heads are dried in the sun, seeds can be separated easily by hand or multi-crop thresher with the capacity of 900 kg/ha.

Post-harvest handling
Drying of seeds is the first step in sunflower seed processing. The moisture content of freshly harvested sunflower seeds may be as high as 20%. To ensure safe storage, the seeds must be dried to less than 10% moisture. Sunflower seed is decorticated before the oil is extracted to ensure that the cake is a nutritious animal feed.

Extraction of oil from sunflower seeds or kernels can be done using general equipments and operating conditions used for soybean or other oil seeds. The extraction of oil from sunflower is done by mechanical extraction, prepress solvent extraction and direct solvent extraction methods.Sunflower oil usually does not require extensive refining as it contains relatively low
levels of free fatty acids, phopholipids, tocopherols, pigments and sterols.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Beetroot : Beta valgaris

Beetroot : Beta valgaris


At present a total of approximately 1700 ha is reported to have under beet cultivation and per capita consumption is estimated to be around 0.7 kg/year. It is rich in several vitamins, does not contain significant amount of any nutritional factors. Hence this is an ideal vegetable for health conscious people.

Nutririve value (100g)

Beet Beet greens
Calories (g) 55 25
Protein (g) 2 3
Fat (mg) T     T
Carbohydrates (mg) 12 5
Ca (mg) 24 144
Iron 0.9 (170 g) 2.8 (145 g)
Vitamin A (IU) 30 7400
Thiamin (mg) 0.05 0.10
Riboflavin (mg) 0.07 0.22
Niacin (mg) 0.5 0.4
Vitamin C (mg) 10 22
T - Trace Source : Vegetable growing handbook avi. Publishing company 1982.

 Recommended varieties1. Crimson Globe
a). Most popular variety among the farmers.
b). Maturation time 75 -90 days.
c). Root shape - Globular; Colour - exterior reddish purple, interior deep
reddish - purple.
2. Detroit Dark Red
a). Maturation time 75 -90 days.
b). Root shape - Globular; Colour - exterior reddish purple, interior deep    
reddish - purple.

Field establishment
Climatic Requirement

Beet can be grown in all agro-ecological regions in the country. However could be successfully cultivated in Sri Lanka, in Nuwara Eliya, Badulla, Kandy and Matale districts. Nuwara Eliya district has the largest extent of cultivation and peak production could be expected from other districts and Nuwara Eliya through out the year. Under irrigated condition Beetroot could be cultivated in areas like Kegalle, Kurunegala, Moneragala, Anuradhapura, Ratnapura, Matale, Hambantota and Jaffna in the country.

Well drained soils are suitable.Ill -drained soil can cause growth problems. A pH range between 6.3 and 7.5 is most appropriate for cultivation.

Land Preparation
  1. Nursery
    a). Soil should be worked to a fine tilth.
    b). Prepare raised beds one meter wide and about 20 cm high.
  2. Field
    a). Soil should be ploughed to a depth of 20-30 cm and worked to a very fine tilth.
    b). Apply 10 -20 t/ha of organic matter.

Planting And Spacing
  1. Nursery
    a). Seed can be broadcast or row - sown
  2. Field
a). Up -country : Transplant healthy 3-4 week old seedling on raised beds.
b). Low lands : Transplant seedlings on ridges or raised beds.
c). Spacing : 30 cm between rows; 10 cm within the row
d). Seeds can also be dibbed in rows and thinned to a spacing of 10 cm at
the 2-3 leaf stage.

 Seed Requirement

Being an up country vegetable, farmers have to depend on imported seeds. Hence several private seed importers supply the entire seed requirement which is about 10-11 mt/year. With the targeted production extent of 4953 ha in 2001, the seed requirement will be increased to 29.7 Mt. Major portion of this seed would be of Crimson Globe, since this is the most popular variety among farmers both in wet and dry zone.

Crop management
Fertilizer Requirment
N-180 kg / ha, P2O2 - 90 kg /ha, K2O - 120 kg / ha
a). Basal - apply the following formulations and rates
i). Urea - 200 kg / ha
ii) Triple Super Phosphate - 300 kg / ha
iii). Muriate Of Potash - 125 kg / ha
b). Top dressing - 4 - 6 weeks after planting
i). Urea - 250 kg / ha
ii). Muriate of potash - 125 kg / ha

Irrigate at 3 -4 day intervals depending on soil type.

Weed control
Hand weed 2 weeks after planting and again just before applying top dressing of fertilization.

Disease control
i). Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora sp.)
a). Symptoms
Small, grey -coloured spots on leaves, especially on lower leaves
b). Control - Use a recommended fungicides
ii). Scab ( Streptomyces scabies)
a). Symptoms
Lesions with corky spots on the surface of fleshy roots. But unlike those of common scab on potato tubers.

Pest Control
Vegetable leaf miner - Liriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae)
On foliage, larvae makes on lower leaf surfaces and usually are associated with the midrib and lateral veins. A mine usually begins on the upper leaf surface and moves to the lower surface after a few millimeters of feeding by the larva. Adults punching leaves for both feeding and oviposition. Punctures and mines may be numerous enough to greatly reduce photosynthesis and may kill young plants. These mines and punctures further reduced the value of ornamental plants.
Regulatory Action
Inspection of the fields before and after cultivation of the crop is needed for the proper management of the Liriomyza huidobrensis. Knowledge on cropping pattern and distribution pattern of the leaf miner in the region is important to achieve successful management of this pest.
Inspection of crop
  1. Yellow traps - Yellow colour boards with sticky substances can be placed in the field. If adult flies present, they trap into these boards. This will enable to farmer to get an idea on population of the flies.
  2. Inspection of the punch markers on the foliage.

Chemical control
  1. Neem seed kernel water Extract This can be applied at the rate of 2 g / l in 3 - 4 day intervals. This method need to practice from at the beginning of the seedling emergence.
  2. Neemazal - F: 1 - 2 ml per one liter of water, apply on seven days interval
  3. Two kinds of translaminar insecticides cyromazin and abamactine are recommended for the control of leaf miner larvae on foliage.
Biological control
Diglypus isaea, a hymenopteran parasitoid was introduced in 1998. At present this it is well established in the region. Later, two local hymenopteran parasitoids, Hemiptarsenoideus semiabiclavus and Opius spp. were identified. However introduced parasitoid is showing more than 80% of the parasitism compared to two other parasitoids in the region.

Other Methods

  1. Use of sweep net method
  2. Crop residues should be burn or buried in the soil
  3. Removal of alternate host plants surround the crop field

Economics & marketing
Major Production Months
This product comes to market in bulk during March, April, May and August to December.

District wise estimated extents and production for Maha 2000/2001, Yala 2001 and Maha 2001/2002.
District Extent ha Production mt

Maha 2000/2001 Yala 2000          Maha 2001/2002 Maha 2000/2001 Yala 2001      Maha 2001/2002
Hambantota 318.2 3.6 4.4 49.66 47.5 58.1
Badulla 216.3 245.5 294.5 2811.9 3240.6 3887.4
Moneragala 92.7 86.8 104.2 1205.1 1145.8 1375.4
Rathnapura 88.4 83.2 99.8 1149.2 1098.2 1317.4
Kurunegala 290.0 27.2 326 3770 3590.4 4302.2
Puttalam 12.0 11.4 13.6 156 150.48 179.5
Kandy 201.0 189.0 227 2613 2494.8 2996.4
Matale 145.0 136.0 163 1885 1795.2 2151.6
Nuwara Eliya 1069 1005 1206 13897 13266 15919.2
Anuradhapura 60.5 56.8 68.2 786.5 749.6 900.2
Polonnaruwa 8.2 7.7 9.3 106.6 101.6 122.8
Jaffna 24 27.7 27.3 312 264 360.4
Kilinochchi 8.2 7.7 9.3 106.6 101.6 122.8
Matara 8.2 7.7 9.3 106.6 101.6 122.8
Vavuniya 26 34.1 40.9 338 450.1 539.9
Trincomale 15.8 15 18 205.4 198 237.6
Udawalawe 8.2 7.7 5.3 106.6 101.6 122.8
System H 40.4 37.7 45.3 525.2 497.6 597.0
System B 8.2 7.7 9.3 106.6 101.64 122.8
System C 15.8 15.0 18 205.4 198 23
Source: DOA Vegetable task force report.

Cost of Production
Major portion of the cost of production accounts for fertilizer (38%) and labour (39%). The other important factor that contribute to high cost of production is pesticides (9%). The cost of fertilizer could be cut down; if farmers are made realized the benefit of use of straight fertilizer. This would cut down the fertilizer cost by 40-50%. Labour could be saved if mixed cropping with leeks or carrot is adopted. Cost of pesticide could also be cutdown if need based spraying for pests and diseases is adopted.