Monday, September 2, 2013


Mandarin : Citrus reticulata Blanco


Nutritive Values
(per 100gh edible portion)
Energy 41.0 k cal
Protein 0.7 g

0.2 g
Carbohydrates 10.2 g
Calcium  26.0 mg
Phosphorus 14.0 mg
Iron 0.2 mg
Riboflavin 40.0 ug
Carotene 465.0 ug
Thiamine 90.0 ug
Vit. C 42.0 mg

Medicinal ValuesIncreases appetite; useful in biliary disorders and cardiovascular diseases
Major Growing Areas

Wet zone; Mid country Intermediate zone

Recommended Varieties
Local strains, introduced cultivar

Crop Management
Nature of cultivation

Home gardens; small scale orchards.
Harvesting & post-harvest technology
Value Added Products

Cordial, juice, lemonade, syrup
Economics & Marketing

April -August

Crop : Citrus (Lime, Sweet Orange, Mandarin)
Program : Crop Improvement
Activity Responsibility Indicators Time frame
Station Officer
Germplasm collection, introduction and evalution of lime Monaragala U.B. Dissanayaka No. of varieties collected Continuous
Germplasm collection, introduction and evalution of sweet orange Moneragala U.B. Dissnayaka No. of varieties collected Continuous
Germplasm collection, introduction and evalution of Mandarin Horana
S. Heenkenda No. of varieties collected   Cont.

Program : Crop Management
Activity Responsibility Indicators Time frame
Station Officer
Studies on off-season flowering of lime Moneragala U.B. Dissanayaka  No. of harvest per year 3 Yrs (2002 - 2005)
Studies on propagation techniques of mandarin HORDI,

Studies on flower induction of in mandarin Horana

Program : Crop Protection
Activity Responsibility Indicators Time frame
Station Officer
Integrated control measures of scale insects, mealy bugs and aphids, in lime and sweet orange Bandarawela

Integrated control of scale insects, mealy bugs and aphids in mandarin Horana G. Rathasinghe Number of measures 5 Yrs (2002 - 2007)
Studies on management of tristressa and other virus diseases in citrus HORDI  

Production of antiserum for greening disease Homagama E.M. Dassanayaka W.G.S. Perera Indexing method 01 Yr (2002 - 2003)
Virus Indexing Homagama E.M. Dassanayaka

Program : Planting Material Production
Activity Responsibility Indicators Time frame
Station Officer
Production of virus free planting materials of citrus species HORDI
U.B.Dissanayaka No. of virus free planting material produced Cont.

Program : Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management
Activity Responsibility Indicators Time frame
Station Officer
Studies on application of micro
nutrients as foliar sprays to increase crop yield                

Mandarin Horana

Sweet orange Bandarawela

Moneragala U.B. Dissanayaka Information on Yield increase 3 Yrs (2002 - 2005)

Program : Post Harvest Handling
Activity Responsibility Indicators Time frame
Station Officer
Storage studies on lime FRU  K.H. Sarananda Documatation 1 Yr (2002 - 2003)


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