Thursday, September 26, 2013


Cultivation and uses

Bougainvilleas are popular ornamental plants in most areas with warm climates. Locarno in Switzerland, with its mild Mediterranean climate, is famous for its bougainvilleas.hough it is frost-sensitive and hardy in U.S. Hardiness Zones 9b and 10, bougainvillea can be used as a houseplant or hanging basket in cooler climates. In the landscape, it makes an excellent hot season plant, and its drought tolerance makes it ideal for warm climates year-round. Its high salt tolerance makes it a natural choice for color in coastal regions. It can be pruned into a standard, but is also grown along fence lines, on walls, in containers and hanging baskets, and as a hedge or an accent plant. Its long arching thorny branches bear heart-shaped leaves and masses of papery bracts in white, pink, orange, purple, and burgundy. Many cultivars, including double-flowered and variegated, are available.
Many of today's bougainvillea are the result of interbreeding among only three out of the eighteen South American species recognized by botanists. Currently, there are over 300 varieties of bougainvillea around the world. Because many of the hybrids have been crossed over several generations, it is difficult to identify their respective origins. Natural mutations seem to occur spontaneously throughout the world; wherever large numbers of plants are being produced, bud-sports will occur. This had led to multiple names for the same cultivar (or variety) and has added to the confusion over the names of bougainvillea cultivars.
The growth rate of bougainvilleas varies from slow to rapid, depending on the variety. They tend to flower all year round in equatorial regions. Elsewhere, they are seasonal, with bloom cycles typically four to six weeks. Bougainvilleas grow best in dry soil in very bright full sun and with frequent fertilization; but they require little water once established, and act will not flourish if over-watered. They can be easily propagated via tip cuttings.
The bougainvillea is also a very attractive species for Bonsai enthusiasts, due to their ease of training and their radiant flowering during the spring. They can be kept as indoor houseplants in temperate regions and kept small by bonsai techniques.
The hybrid cultivar B. × buttiana 'Poulton's Special' has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit

Symbolism and nomenclature

Various species of Bougainvillea are the official flowers of Guam (where it is known as the Puti Tai Nobiu); Lienchiang and Pingtung Counties in Taiwan; Ipoh, Malaysia; the cities of Tagbilaran, Philippines; Camarillo, California; Laguna Niguel, California; San Clemente, California; the cities of Shenzhen, Huizhou, Zhuhai, and Jiangmen in Guangdong Province, China; and Naha, Okinawa.
Native to South America, Bougainvillea carries several names in the different regions where it is expontaneously present. Apart from Rioplatense Spanish santa-rita and Peruvian Spanish papelillo, it may be variously named primavera, três-marias, sempre-lustrosa, santa-rita, ceboleiro, roseiro, roseta, riso, pataguinha, pau-de-roseira and flor-de-papel in Brazilian Portuguese. Nevertheless, buganvílea in Portuguese and buganvilia  in Spanish are the most common names accepted by people of the regions where these languages are spoken but it is an introduced plant.


The sap of the Bougainvillea can cause serious skin rashes, similar to Toxicodendron species.


Sunday, September 22, 2013


beekeeping in Serbia

Honey seeker depicted on 8000 year old cave painting near Valencia, Spain
Beekeeping  is the maintenance of honey bee colonies, commonly in hives, by humans. A beekeeper (or apiarist) keeps bees in order to collect honey and other products of the hive (including beeswax, propolis, pollen, and royal jelly), to pollinate crops, or to produce bees for sale to other beekeepers. A location where bees are kept is called an apiary or "bee yard".
Depictions of humans collecting honey from wild bees date to 15,000 years ago, efforts to domesticate them are shown in Egyptian art around 4,500 years ago. Simple hives and smoke were used and honey was stored in jars, some of which were found in the tombs of pharaohs such as Tutankhamun. It wasn't until the 18th century that European understanding of the colonies and biology of bees allowed the construction of the moveable comb hive so that honey could be harvested without destroying the entire colony.

Study of honey bees

It was not until the 18th century that European natural philosophers undertook the scientific study of bee colonies and began to understand the complex and hidden world of bee biology. Preeminent among these scientific pioneers were Swammerdam, René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur, Charles Bonnet, and the blind Swiss scientist Francois Huber. Swammerdam and Réaumur were among the first to use a microscope and dissection to understand the internal biology of honey bees. Réaumur was among the first to construct a glass walled observation hive to better observe activities within hives. He observed queens laying eggs in open cells, but still had no idea of how a queen was fertilized; nobody had ever witnessed the mating of a queen and drone and many theories held that queens were "self-fertile," while others believed that a vapor or "miasma" emanating from the drones fertilized queens without direct physical contact. Huber was the first to prove by observation and experiment that queens are physically inseminated by drones outside the confines of hives, usually a great distance away.
Following Réaumur's design, Huber built improved glass-walled observation hives and sectional hives that could be opened like the leaves of a book. This allowed inspecting individual wax combs and greatly improved direct observation of hive activity. Although he went blind before he was twenty, Huber employed a secretary, Francois Burnens, to make daily observations, conduct careful experiments, and keep accurate notes over more than twenty years. Huber confirmed that a hive consists of one queen who is the mother of all the female workers and male drones in the colony. He was also the first to confirm that mating with drones takes place outside of hives and that queens are inseminated by a number of successive matings with male drones, high in the air at a great distance from their hive. Together, he and Burnens dissected bees under the microscope and were among the first to describe the ovaries and spermatheca, or sperm store, of queens as well as the penis of male drones. Huber is universally regarded as "the father of modern bee-science" and his "Nouvelles Observations sur Les Abeilles (or "New Observations on Bees") revealed all the basic scientific truths for the biology and ecology of honeybees.

Natural beekeeping

There is a current movement that eschews chemicals in beekeeping and believes that health issues in bees can most effectively be addressed by reversing trends that disrespect the needs of the bees themselves. Crop spraying, unnatural conditions in which bees are moved thousands of miles to pollinate commercial crops, frequent opening of the hive for inspection, artificial insemination of queens, routine medication and sugar water feeding are all thought to contribute to a general weakening of the constitution of the honey bee.
Practitioners of 'natural beekeeping' tend to use variations of the top-bar hive, which is a simple design that retains the concept of movable comb without the use of frames or foundation. The horizontal top-bar hive, as championed by Marty Hardison, Michael Bush, Philip Chandler, Dennis Murrell and others, can be seen as a modernization of hollow log hives, with the addition of wooden bars of specific width from which bees hang their combs. Its widespread adoption in recent years can be attributed to the publication in 2007 of The Barefoot Beekeeper by Philip Chandler, which challenged many aspects of modern beekeeping and offered the horizontal top-bar hive as a viable alternative to the ubiquitous Langstroth-syle movable-frame hive.
The most popular vertical top-bar hive is probably the Warré hive, based on a design by the French priest Abbé Émile Warré (1867–1951) and popularized by Dr. David Heaf in his English translation of Warré's book L'Apiculture pour Tous as Beekeeping For All
Natural beekeeping is characterized by a willingness to hand most of the control to the bees themselves, and to minimize interference in their lives. Practitioners expect to take honey only when the bees' needs have first been taken care of, and the feeding of sugar is discouraged except as an emergency measure.

Urban or backyard beekeeping

Related to natural beekeeping, urban beekeeping is an attempt to revert to a less industrialized way of obtaining honey by utilizing small-scale colonies that pollinate urban gardens. Urban apiculture has undergone a renaissance in the first decade of the 21st century, and urban beekeeping is seen by many as a growing trend; it has recently been legalized in cities where it was previously banned. Paris, Berlin, London, Tokyo, Melbourne and Washington DC are among beekeeping cities.
Some have found that "city bees" are actually healthier than "rural bees" because there are fewer pesticides and greater biodiversity Urban bees may fail to find forage, however, and homeowners can use their landscapes to help feed local bee populations by planting flowers that provide nectar and pollen. An environment of year-round, uninterrupted bloom creates an ideal environment for colony reproduction.

Bee colonies


A colony of bees consists of three castes of bee:
  • a queen bee, which is normally the only breeding female in the colony;
  • a large number of female worker bees, typically 30,000–50,000 in number;
  • a number of male drones, ranging from thousands in a strong hive in spring to very few during dearth or cold season.
The queen is the only sexually mature female in the hive and all of the female worker bees and male drones are her offspring. The queen may live for up to three years or more and may be capable of laying half a million eggs or more in her lifetime. At the peak of the breeding season, late spring to summer, a good queen may be capable of laying 3,000 eggs in one day, more than her own body weight. This would be exceptional however; a prolific queen might peak at 2,000 eggs a day, but a more average queen might lay just 1,500 eggs per day. The queen is raised from a normal worker egg, but is fed a larger amount of royal jelly than a normal worker bee, resulting in a radically different growth and metamorphosis. The queen influences the colony by the production and dissemination of a variety of pheromones or "queen substances". One of these chemicals suppresses the development of ovaries in all the female worker bees in the hive and prevents them from laying eggs.

Mating of queens

The queen emerges from her cell after 15 days of development and she remains in the hive for 3–7 days before venturing out on a mating flight. Mating flight is otherwise known as 'nuptial flight'. Her first orientation flight may only last a few seconds, just enough to mark the position of the hive. Subsequent mating flights may last from 5 minutes to 30 minutes, and she may mate with a number of male drones on each flight. Over several matings, possibly a dozen or more, the queen receives and stores enough sperm from a succession of drones to fertilize hundreds of thousands of eggs. If she does not manage to leave the hive to mate—possibly due to bad weather or being trapped in part of the hive—she remains infertile and become a drone layer, incapable of producing female worker bees. Worker bees sometimes kill a non-performing queen and produce another. Without a properly performing queen, the hive is doomed.
Mating takes place at some distance from the hive and often several hundred feet in the air; it is thought that this separates the strongest drones from the weaker ones, ensuring that only the fastest and strongest drones get to pass on their genes.

Female worker bees

Almost all the bees in a hive are female worker bees. At the height of summer when activity in the hive is frantic and work goes on non-stop, the life of a worker bee may be as short as 6 weeks; in late autumn, when no brood is being raised and no nectar is being harvested, a young bee may live for 16 weeks, right through the winter. During its life a worker bee performs different work functions in the hive, largely dictated by the age of the bee.
Period Work activity
Days 1-3 Cleaning cells and incubation
Day 3-6 Feeding older larvae
Day 6-10 Feeding younger larvae
Day 8-16 Receiving honey and pollen from field bees
Day 12-18 Wax making and cell building
Day 14 onwards Entrance guards; nectar and pollen foraging

Male bees (drones)

Drones are the largest bees in the hive (except for the queen), at almost twice the size of a worker bee. They do not work, do not forage for pollen or nectar and have no other known function than to mate with new queens and fertilize them on their mating flights. A bee colony generally starts to raise drones a few weeks before building queen cells so they can supersede a failing queen or prepare for swarming. When queen-raising for the season is over, bees in colder climates drive drones out of the hive to die, biting and tearing their legs and wings.

Differing stages of development

Stage of development Queen Worker Drone
Egg 3 days 3 days 3 days
Larva 8 days 10 days 13 days :Successive moults occur within this period 8 to 13 day period
Cell Capped day 8 day 8 day 10
Pupa 4 days 8 days 8 days
Total 15 days 21 days 24 days

Structure of a bee colony

A domesticated bee colony is normally housed in a rectangular hive body, within which eight to ten parallel frames house the vertical plates of honeycomb that contain the eggs, larvae, pupae and food for the colony. If one were to cut a vertical cross-section through the hive from side to side, the brood nest would appear as a roughly ovoid ball spanning 5-8 frames of comb. The two outside combs at each side of the hive tend to be exclusively used for long-term storage of honey and pollen.
Within the central brood nest, a single frame of comb typically has a central disk of eggs, larvae and sealed brood cells that may extend almost to the edges of the frame. Immediately above the brood patch an arch of pollen-filled cells extends from side to side, and above that again a broader arch of honey-filled cells extends to the frame tops. The pollen is protein-rich food for developing larvae, while honey is also food but largely energy rich rather than protein rich. The nurse bees that care for the developing brood secrete a special food called 'royal jelly' after feeding themselves on honey and pollen. The amount of royal jelly fed to a larva determines whether it develops into a worker bee or a queen.
Apart from the honey stored within the central brood frames, the bees store surplus honey in combs above the brood nest. In modern hives the beekeeper places separate boxes, called 'supers', above the brood box, in which a series of shallower combs is provided for storage of honey. This enables the beekeeper to remove some of the supers in the late summer, and to extract the surplus honey harvest, without damaging the colony of bees and its brood nest below. If all the honey is 'stolen', including the amount of honey needed to survive winter, the beekeeper must replace these stores by feeding the bees sugar or corn syrup in autumn.

Annual cycle of a bee colony

The development of a bee colony follows an annual cycle of growth that begins in spring with a rapid expansion of the brood nest, as soon as pollen is available for feeding larvae. Some production of brood may begin as early as January, even in a cold winter, but breeding accelerates towards a peak in May (in the northern hemisphere), producing an abundance of harvesting bees synchronized to the main nectar flow in that region. Each race of bees times this build-up slightly differently, depending on how the flora of its original region blooms. Some regions of Europe have two nectar flows: one in late spring and another in late August. Other regions have only a single nectar flow. The skill of the beekeeper lies in predicting when the nectar flow will occur in his area and in trying to ensure that his colonies achieve a maximum population of harvesters at exactly the right time.
The key factor in this is the prevention or skillful management of the swarming impulse. If a colony swarms unexpectedly and the beekeeper does not manage to capture the resulting swarm, he is likely to harvest significantly less honey from that hive, since he has lost half his worker bees at a single stroke. If, however, he can use the swarming impulse to breed a new queen but keep all the bees in the colony together, he maximizes his chances of a good harvest. It takes many years of learning and experience to be able to manage all these aspects successfully, though owing to variable circumstances many beginners often achieve a good honey harvest.

Formation of new colonies

Colony reproduction: swarming and supersedure

A swarm about to land
All colonies are totally dependent on their queen, who is the only egg-layer. However, even the best queens live only a few years and one or two years longevity is the norm. She can choose whether or not to fertilize an egg as she lays it; if she does so, it develops into a female worker bee; if she lays an unfertilized egg it becomes a male drone. She decides which type of egg to lay depending on the size of the open brood cell she encounters on the comb. In a small worker cell, she lays a fertilized egg; if she finds a larger drone cell, she lays an unfertilized drone egg.
All the time that the queen is fertile and laying eggs she produces a variety of pheromones, which control the behavior of the bees in the hive. These are commonly called queen substance, but there are various pheromones with different functions. As the queen ages, she begins to run out of stored sperm, and her pheromones begin to fail. Inevitably, the queen begins to falter, and the bees decide to replace her by creating a new queen from one of her worker eggs. They may do this because she has been damaged (lost a leg or an antenna), because she has run out of sperm and cannot lay fertilized eggs (has become a 'drone laying queen'), or because her pheromones have dwindled to where they cannot control all the bees in the hive.
At this juncture, the bees produce one or more queen cells by modifying existing worker cells that contain a normal female egg. However, the bees pursue two distinct behaviors:
  1. Supersedure: queen replacement within one hive without swarming
  2. Swarm cell production: the division of the hive into two colonies by swarming
Different sub-species of Apis mellifera exhibit differing swarming characteristics that reflect their evolution in different ecotopes of the European continent. In general the more northerly black races are said to swarm less and supersede more, whereas the more southerly yellow and grey varieties are said to swarm more frequently. The truth is complicated because of the prevalence of cross-breeding and hybridization of the sub species and opinions differ.
Supersedure is highly valued as a behavioral trait by beekeepers because a hive that supersedes its old queen does not swarm and so no stock is lost; it merely creates a new queen and allows the old one to fade away, or alternatively she is killed when the new queen emerges. When superseding a queen, the bees produce just one or two queen cells, characteristically in the center of the face of a broodcomb.
In swarming, by contrast, a great many queen cells are created — typically a dozen or more — and these are located around the edges of a broodcomb, most often at the sides and the bottom
New wax combs between basement joists
Once either process has begun, the old queen normally leaves the hive with the hatching of the first queen cells. She leaves accompanied by a large number of bees, predominantly young bees (wax-secretors), who form the basis of the new hive. Scouts are sent out from the swarm to find suitable hollow trees or rock crevices. As soon as one is found, the entire swarm moves in. Within a matter of hours, they build new wax brood combs, using honey stores that the young bees have filled themselves with before leaving the old hive. Only young bees can secrete wax from special abdominal segments, and this is why swarms tend to contain more young bees. Often a number of virgin queens accompany the first swarm (the 'prime swarm'), and the old queen is replaced as soon as a daughter queen mates and begins laying. Otherwise, she is quickly superseded in the new home.

Factors that trigger swarming

It is generally accepted that a colony of bees does not swarm until they have completed all of their brood combs, i.e., filled all available space with eggs, larvae, and brood. This generally occurs in late spring at a time when the other areas of the hive are rapidly filling with honey stores. One key trigger of the swarming instinct is when the queen has no more room to lay eggs and the hive population is becoming very congested. Under these conditions, a prime swarm may issue with the queen, resulting in a halving of the population within the hive, leaving the old colony with a large number of hatching bees. The queen who leaves finds herself in a new hive with no eggs and no larvae but lots of energetic young bees who create a new set of brood combs from scratch in a very short time.
Another important factor in swarming is the age of the queen. Those under a year in age are unlikely to swarm unless they are extremely crowded, while older queens have swarming predisposition.
Beekeepers monitor their colonies carefully in spring and watch for the appearance of queen cells, which are a dramatic signal that the colony is determined to swarm.
When a colony has decided to swarm, queen cells are produced in numbers varying to a dozen or more. When the first of these queen cells is sealed after eight days of larval feeding, a virgin queen pupates and is due to emerge seven days later. Before leaving, the worker bees fill their stomachs with honey in preparation for the creation of new honeycombs in a new home. This cargo of honey also makes swarming bees less inclined to sting. A newly issued swarm is noticeably gentle for up to 24 hours and is often capable of being handled by a beekeeper without gloves or veil.

A swarm attached to a branch
This swarm looks for shelter. A beekeeper may capture it and introduce it into a new hive, helping meet this need. Otherwise, it returns to a feral state, in which case it finds shelter in a hollow tree, excavation, abandoned chimney, or even behind shutters.
Back at the original hive, the first virgin queen to emerge from her cell immediately seeks to kill all her rival queens still waiting to emerge. Usually, however, the bees deliberately prevent her from doing this, in which case, she too leads a second swarm from the hive. Successive swarms are called 'after-swarms' or 'casts' and can be very small, often with just a thousand or so bees—as opposed to a prime swarm, which may contain as many as ten to twenty-thousand bees.
A small after-swarm has less chance of survival and may threaten the original hive's survival by depleting it. When a hive swarms despite the beekeeper's preventative efforts, a good management practice is to give the depleted hive a couple frames of open brood with eggs. This helps replenish the hive more quickly and gives a second opportunity to raise a queen if there is a mating failure.
Each race or sub-species of honey bee has its own swarming characteristics. Italian bees are very prolific and inclined to swarm; Northern European black bees have a strong tendency to supersede their old queen without swarming. These differences are the result of differing evolutionary pressures in the regions where each sub-species evolved.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Potato : Solanum tuberosum L.

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) originated in Andes highlands in Peru and Europeans who settled in 
hilly areas introduced it to Sri Lanka in 1850's. At present potato is extensively cultivated in the district of Nuwara Eliya (Up country wet zone >1000m amsl) in two major seasons, "Yala" (Feb - July) and "Maha" (Aug - Dec.) where annual rainfall is >2,500mm and temperature ranges between 10-150C with the relative humidity of 80%. It also widely grown in Badulla District (Up Country intermediate zone- 1000 to 1500 m amsl) in paddy fields and high land during "Yala' and "Maha" seasons respectively. This area experiences the rainfall of 1500 - 2250 mm annually with 70 % RH and 15- 22 0C range in temperature. Puttlam And Jaffna are the other two districts where the potato is grown in lesser extent.
Potato is the most popular crop of upcountry farmers due to its high net return.
Recommended Varieties
Potato_Hillstar Potato_Desiree Sweet_Potato_BW21_Chitra Potato_raja
Hillstar Desiree Sante raja
Potato_granola Potato_kondr Potato_Isna
Granola Kondor Isna

a) Potato-Recommended varieties in Sri Lanka
1. Name of the Variety: Sita
2.  Scientists Involved:  Dr. Yogarathnum and
Mrs. Velupillai
3.  Year of release: 1981
4. Age of Optimum Harvesting time: Late - 100- 110 days
Advanced generation line from
(I-1085, India) CIP
6. Pests and Disease Resistance: Tolerance to late blight
7.  Crop Description)

a) Plant: Anthocyanin discoloration is absent; green color leaves with many secondary leaflets. Leaflets are very small and rough.

b) Flower: White.

c) Tuber : Short oval shape; yellow skin; white flesh; shallow eyes.

d) Sprout : Green sprouts with weak pubescence.

:e) Potential Yield: 20 - 25 t/ha

1. Name of the Variety: Krushi
2.  Scientists Involved :  Dr. Yogarathnum and Mrs. Velupillai
3. Year of release 1981
4. Age of  optimum
Harvesting time:
Late - 100 - 110 days
5. Pedigree: Advanced generation line from (I-822, India) CIP
6. Pests and Disease Resistance:  Tolerance to late blight
7. Crop Description: 

a) Plant: Anthocyanin discoloration absent at the top of the stem and present at the stem base; dark green leaves with medium number of secondary leaflets.

b) Flower

c) Tuber : Round oval shape; yellow skin; white yellow flesh; medium depth eyes.

d) Sprout: Color of the base red violet, tip light red violet; weak pubescence at the base and medium at the tip.

e) Potential Yield: 20 t/ha

1. Name of the Variety:  
2. Scientists Involved: Mr. Abethunge and Mrs.S. Abethunge
3. Year of release 1992
4. Age of Optimum Harvesting time Late (110 days)
5.  Pedigree: SE-11 x 260/39B
6. Pests and Disease Resistance:   Moderately resistance to late blight
7.  Crop Description

a) Plant: Long stems

b) Flower White pink

c) Tuber: Round to oval shape, white skin with shallow eyes

d) Sprout 

e) Potential Yield:  20 -25

Name of the Variety Manike
2 Scientists Involved: Mr. Abethunge and Mrs.Abethunge
3 Year of release: 1992
4 Age of Optimum Harvesting time. Late (110 days)
5 Pedigree Atzimba x 260/39B
Pests and Disease Resistance: Moderately resistance to late blight
7 Crop Description

a) Plant: Long stems

b) Flower White pink

c) Tuber Round to oval shape, white skin with shallow eyes.

d) Sprout

e) Potential Yield:  20 -25 t/h

b) Potato-commercial varieties
1. Name of the Variety:  Desiree
2. Scientists Involved
3.  year of release    -
4. Age of Optimum Harvesting time  Moderately early to moderately late
5.  Pedigree:  Urgenta x Desesche
6. Pests and Disease Resistance: Good resistance to tuber blight
7.  Crop Description

a) Plant Tall to medium, semi-erect stems, pronounce anthocyanin discoloration, dark green leaves

Red-violet flowers.

b) Flower

c) Tuber  Long -oval shape, red smooth skin, pale yellow flesh, shallow eyes

d) Sprout Large, broad cylindrical, intense to moderately intense red-violet and medium pubescence, many root tips, moderate to weak anthocyanin discoloration.

e) Potential Yield 15-20mt/h

1.  Name of the Variety Granola
2. Scientists Involved:    -
3. Age of Optimum Harvesting time. Medium late
4.  Pedigree 3333/60 x 267.04
5.  Pests and Disease Resistance    Fairly good resistance to leaf blight. Moderate resistance to viruses A and Yn; resistance to pathotype A of the golden nematode.
6. Crop Description 

a) Plant Medium-length to tall; stems fairly thick, fairly spreading, pale purple; Leaves large, palish green; primary leaflets fairly large and narrow with fairly shallow veins;

b) Flower Darkish red - purple flowers.

c) Tuber Short - oval; yellow, fairly rough skin; yellow flesh; fairly deep eyes.

d) Sprout Fairly small, egg- shaped, red-purple; sparsely hairy; fairly large, open, deepish red- purple terminal buds; fairly small number of root tips.

e) Potential Yield 20 -25 t/ha

1. Name of the Variety Kondor
2. Scientists  Involved:    -
3. Age of Optimum Harvesting time. Moderately early to moderately late.
4.  Pedigree KO61-333 x Wilja
5. Pests and Disease Resistance Moderately good resistance to leaf blight, rather good resistance to tuber blight; rather good resistance to virus X and resistance to virus A.
6. Crop Description

a)  Plant Medium to short; stems semi erect to erect, pronounced to moderate anthocyanin discoloration; large to medium, dark green leaves.

b) Flower Red-violet flowers

c) Tuber Very large, oval, red skin, moderately deep eyes; pale yellow flesh,

d) Sprout Large to medium, broad cylindrical, intense red-violet and strong pubescence; medium terminal bud with moderate to weak anthocyanin discoloration; few root tips.

e) Potential Yield    20 - 25 t/ha

1. Name of the Variety  Isna
2. Scientists Involved: -
3. Age of Optimum Harvesting time. Moderately Late
4. Pedigree 35/53/4718 x M.P.I. 44.335/128
5. Pests and Disease Resistance
6. Crop Description

a) Plant No anthosyanin discoloration; large to medium, green leaves

b) Flower White colour

c) Tuber Short oval; yellow skin, yellow flesh; rather shallow eyes.

d) Sprout Purplish green base with green tip; weak pubescence at the base and medium at the tip

e) Potential yield 20t/ha

Field Establishment

Agro Climatic requirements
Potato can be successfully grown in Up Country Wet , Intermediate, and Dry Zones at temperatures between 24 0C and 32 0C as well as in Puttalum and Jaffna districts during Maha. The optimum day temperature is 20 - 25 0C and temperature difference between day and night should be 10 0C

Time of planting
Season Location Planting date
Maha  Nuwara Eliya
Badulla (highlands)
Jaffna & Puttlum
Aug - September Nov - Dec
mid Nov - mid Dec mid Oct - mid Dec
Yala Nuwara Eliya
Feb - March
July - Aug

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Jack Fruit : Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam

Nutritive Values

(per 100g edible portion)

Ripe Fruit Tender Fruit Jak Seeds Units
Energy          94.0 51.0 151.0 K cal
Protein 1.7 2.6 4.3 g
Fat 0.3 0.8 0.4 g
Carbohydrates  93.7 9.4 32.0 g
Calcium 27.00 30.0 35.0 mg
Phosphorus 0 40.0 126.0 mg
Iron 0.6 1.7 1.2 mg
Carotene  39.0 0 25.0 mg
Thiamine 0.09 50.0 180.0 mg
Riboflavin 0.11 40.0 50.0 mg
Vit. C 9.0 14.0 17.0 mg

Medicinal Values

Rich source of potassium, iron and energy; useful in blood disorders. Ripe fruit is a good source of carotene.

Major Growing Areas
Mostly wet zone, scattered in the Dry and intermediate zones

Nature of Cultivation
Naturally grown ; scattered cultivations and in home gardens

Recommended Varieties
Local selections Father long, Kothmale, Maharagama

Harvesting & post-harvest technology

Value Added Products
Unripe fruit ; Polos preseve
Ripe fruit ; Cordial, fruit in syrup
Seed Dried, roasted, flour in confectionery

Harvesting & post-harvest technology
Value Added Products
Unripe fruit ; Polos preseve
Ripe fruit ; Cordial, fruit in syrup
Seed Dried, roasted, flour in confectionery

Economics & Marketing

March - May and November - January

Crop : Jack Fruit

Programme : Crop Improvment
Activity Responsibility Indicators Time Frame
Station     Officer
Collection, establishment and
evaluation of germplasm.
HORDI I.Medagoda
02 Yrs (2002-2004)
Horana L.L.Ranasingha No.of varieties collected 02 Yrs (2002-2004)

Programme: Crop Managment
Activity Responsibility Indicators Time Frame
Station Officer
Training of jack trees
for commercial fruit
HORDI I.Medagoda    
02 Yrs (2002-2004)
Horana L.L.Ranasingha high density planting
system with small trees
02 Yrs (2002-2004)

Crop protection and post harvest handling: Activities have not been identified

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Grapes (Vitis venefera)

Recommended Varieties
Israel blue
Black Muscat
Muscat MI
French MI

16th-century wine press

Wine is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes or other fruits. The natural chemical balance of grapes lets them ferment without the addition of sugars, acids, enzymes, water, or other nutrients. Yeast consumes the sugars in the grapes and converts them into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Different varieties of grapes and strains of yeasts produce different styles of wine. The well-known variations result from the very complex interactions between the biochemical development of the fruit, reactions involved in fermentation, and human intervention in the overall process. The final product may contain tens of thousands of chemical compounds in amounts varying from a few percent to a few parts per billion.
Wines made from produce besides grapes are usually named after the product from which they are produced (for example, rice wine, pomegranate wine, apple wine and elderberry wine) and are generically called fruit wine. The term "wine" can also refer to starch-fermented or fortified beverages having higher alcohol content, such as barley wine or sake.
Wine has a rich history dating back thousands of years, with the earliest known production occurring around 6000 BC in Georgia. It first appeared in the Balkans about 4500 BC and was very common in ancient Greece, Thrace and Rome. Wine has also played an important role in religion throughout history. The Greek god Dionysus and the Roman equivalent, Bacchus, represented wine. The drink is also used in Christian Eucharist ceremonies and the Jewish Kiddush.

Field Establishment
Environment requirement

Can be grown successfully, well-drained, deep soils in the dry zone of Sri Lanka, under irrigation.

Crop Management
Agronomic and cultural practices

Planting should be done with the on set of dry spell. Size of the planting hole is 1m X 1m X 1m, and should be filled with a mixture of topsoil and well-decomposed cow-dung at a ratio of 1:1. Spacing varies with the vine training system adopted.

Pandol system                               : 8m X 4m
Geneva double curtain system (GDC)    : 2.6m X 3m
Fence systems                              : 2.6m X 3m

Fertilizer requirement
Stage of the crop Urea (g/vine) TSP (g/vine) MOP (g/vine)
At planting  120 80 250
Four months after planting 120 80 250
After first pruning  180 120 375
After 2nd pruning  240 160 500
After 3rd pruning  300 200 625
After 4th pruning   360 240 750
After 5th pruning 420 280 875
After 6th pruning & on ward 480 320 1000


Pruning is an essential practice in viticulture. In Sri Lanka grapes can be pruned two times a year, that is in mid June and end of December. However, time of pruning have to determine, considering the prevailing weather condition and the growing phase of the vines. In general, irrigation has to stop five days before and after pruning and should irrigate as necessary in other times.

Pest and Disease

Vine girdler, cuts the mature vines; can be controlled
Paddle legged bug, feed on young shoots and caused to dried off the shoots; can be controlled

Powdery and downy mildew, damage the new shoots, leaves, flowers and flower inflorescence. Can be controlled by adopting recommended cultural practices and using chemicals, (Metalaxil, or Bordeaux mixture).

Harvesting & Post-harvest Technology
Grapes vines can be maintained up to thirty years as a crop. Average yield is about 20-25 Mt/ha. After 3-4 years of establishment a vine can produce over 30 Kg of fruits per year. In addition an additional income can be obtained by planting material production, as there is a grate demand for planting materials at present.

Crop: Grapes
Program: Crop Improvment
Activity Responsibility Indicators Time Frame
Station Officer
Germplasm collection
and evaluation

Possibility of generating
varities from seeds by
tissue culture techniques

Program: Crop Management
Activity Responsibility Indicators Time Frame
Station Officer

Development of traning & pruning techniques.
MI A.pelessa    S.G.Piyadasa Traning systems 08 Yrs (2002-2010)
Studies on shoot density MI     S.G.Piyadasa Pruning techniques
Studies on irrigation management A'pelessa

Program: Plant Protection
Activity Responsibility Indicators TimeFrame
Station Officer
Screening of fungicides and development of control measures for downy mildew disease. MI,Makandura

Studies on controlling insect pest problems. HORDI

Program: Planting Material Production
Activity Responsibility Indicators Time Frame
Station Officer
Production of planting material of recommende varieties MI S.G.Piyadasa Production and maintence of motherstocks. Cont.